Room Parents needed – Sign-up by Friday, September 15th
Room Parents are still needed, sign-up by this Friday, September 15th.
Please consider serving as a Room Parent for your child’s class for the 2017-2018 school year.
Sign-ups will be accepted until Friday, September 15th. Two room parents will then be selected for each grade level. *Selected room parents will be notified by September 18th.
Duties include:
- Serving as liaison between PTA and classroom families. Informing parents of PTA meetings and other school activities.
- Working with teachers as needed and assisting class parties/activities.
- Collecting for holiday and year-end gifts for teachers.
- Help with the following events: Halloween Celebrations, Fun Lunch, Teacher Appreciation Week and ACES Walk.
- If needed, assist in volunteer recruitment for events with large number of volunteers needed.
If you’d like to be considered for a Room Parent position, please click on the corresponding button to sign up:
Questions? Contact Angela Staron at