2018-2019 PTA Executive Board applications due March 1st.
The Blythe Park PTA is looking for members who are interested in serving on the 2018-2019 Executive Board. PTA leadership positions are a great opportunity to help make decisions that enhance your child’s educational experience!
Listed below are the 2018-2019 Executive Board positions. Click on the following link for a full description of each position – Blythe Park PTA Officer Descriptions.
- President
- First Vice President (Membership and Volunteers)
- Second Vice President (Academic Enrichment Programs)
- Third Vice President (Fundraising)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Parliamentarian
- Communications Officer
Each term is one year. No person can serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position. Therefore, if an office holder has completed the one year term, he/she is welcome to apply for one more year in that same position.
However, it is mandatory that office holders seeking a second term in the same position, office holders seeking a different position on the executive board, and general members seeking a position on the Executive Board submit a formal application to be considered by the Nominating Committee.
*EVERY person desiring a position on the Blythe Park PTA Executive Board must submit a formal application. All applications are confidential and will only be discussed between members of the Nominating Committee.
- Karen Magee – Chair
- Gretchen Lupfer
- Angela Staron
- Kelley Migacz
- Jill Crist
- Maria D’Amico – Alternate
The Nominating Committee’s Proposed Slate will be presented at the March PTA General Membership Meeting and voted on at the April meeting. Elected officers will be installed at the May 2018 PTA General Membership meeting.
If interested – Please submit a completed application form to the Blythe Park Office by Thursday, March 1st. If more than one position interests you, please designate which position is your first choice. Applications can be obtained from the office or by clicking on the following link: PTA Executive Board Application 2018-2019
Questions? Please contact Maria D’Amico at (773)230-9205 or vmariadg@gmail.com