3rd Grade wins Box Tops contest!

Thank you Blythe Park families for your participation in the Box Tops Program at school!!

The competition was close, but the winner of the popsicle party is 3rd Grade!!

3rd Grade= 399
EL AM/PM = 377
5th Grade = 194
Kindergarten = 110
2nd Grade = 73
4th Grade = 72
1st Grade = 43

TOTAL Box Tops 1,269 = $126.90 raised for Blythe Park School!!

*NOTE: Only valid/unexpired Box Tops are counted towards the contest totals. Unfortunately, 98 expired Box Tops were turned in and were NOT added to the totals, so make sure to check those expiration dates! Also, the Labels for Education were not counted towards contest totals (and are no longer collected at the school).

Congratulations to all students on your efforts to raise money for Blythe Park!! Please continue to clip those Box Tops and turn them in to school at any time!

Questions? Please contact Sarah Isaacson at sarah@theisaacsons.org

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