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Kids Yoga – Session 2 registration is open!
Sign-up for Kids Yoga – Session 2! Classes start on Wednesday, November 7th. *REMINDER: Session 1 classes end this week (no class on Oct. 31st). Kids Yoga Stephanie Roldan from Blissful Owl will instruct Kids Yoga classes every Wednesday from 3:00-3:45pm in the Blythe Park Gym for boys and girls in Kindergarten – 5th Grade. Session…
Blythe Park Spirit Day is this Friday!
This Friday, October 27th, is a Blythe Park Spirit Day! Show off your favorite Blythe Park spirit wear!
Register NOW for Parks & Rec After-School Programs
The registration deadline is 5 days prior to the class start date for Riverside Parks and Rec after-school programs. REGISTER NOW! Winter Sessions at Blythe Park will begin the week of February 4th Spring Sessions at Blythe Park will begin the week of April 8th Classes will take place directly after school from 3-4pm. *NOTE: Registration deadline is 5 days prior to the class…
The first Hot Lunch will take place on Friday, September 23rd. Make your reservation now!
Treat your kid(s) to a hot lunch and treat yourself to a day off from packing lunches! On Friday, September 23rd, Blythe Park PTA will be holding the first Hot Lunch Fundraiser for the year. The menu will include: slice of cheese pizza, seasonal fruit, cookie and a drink. The cost per child is $5.00….
Look in your child’s backpack for Square 1 Art Fundraiser information on Wednesday
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Order from Artsonia to benefit Blythe Park’s Art Program!
Place an order with Artsonia as part of Blythe Park’s Art Fundraiser and the Blythe Park Art Program will receive 20% of your purchase towards art materials and supplies. Artsonia takes artwork created in your student’s art class and reproduces it onto products such as magnets, tiles, note cards, mugs, and many other items. This is…