Blythe Park PTA Holiday Ornaments

The PTA was happy to provide the supplies for students to make holiday ornaments. We hope you find a nice place to display them. Enjoy the holidays!
The PTA was happy to provide the supplies for students to make holiday ornaments. We hope you find a nice place to display them. Enjoy the holidays!
Fall Parent Night is this Thursday, September 14th beginning in the auditorium with a presentation by Principal Casimira Gorman. After her presentation, parents will head to their child’s classroom for a presentation by their teacher. Fall Parent Night (each session starts in Blythe auditorium) – Early Childhood: 5:45pm – 7:15pm Kindergarten – 5th Grade: 6:30pm…
The Snowball Dance committee is looking for white string lights to make the Blythe Park gym magical for this year’s dance! So, as you put away your holiday decorations, please consider donating some of your white string lights. Donations can be dropped off at the Blythe Park school office. *SAVE THE DATE – Blythe Park…
Drop off the kids at Tae Kwon Do while you do a little early shopping at the Scholastic Book Fair. Kids Tae Kwon Do will be held on Thursday from 3:00-3:45pm in the Blythe Park Gym for all students in K-5th Grade. *Weekly class reservation deadline is Wednesday. You must signup to participate. Purchase one…
Treat your kid(s) to a hot lunch and treat yourself to a day off from packing lunches! Hot Lunch is next Friday, April 28th. The menu will include: slice of cheese pizza, seasonal fruit, cookie and a drink. The cost per child is $5.00. To register your child(ren) click on the CheddarUp button below. You can pay for the…
Cardio Kids will be held this week on Wednesday and Friday at 7:45am for 2nd-5th Grade students. Please have your runners/walkers dressed appropriately for the activity and the weather. Ms. Gorman, Ms. Rehor and Mr. Bartelt will walk/run with the students around the Blythe Park campus. (Four laps around the school equals one mile!) We hope to…
Sign your student up for a “Science and a Sandwich” session during lunch! To get students thinking about science, the Blythe Park PTA will conduct “Science and a Sandwich” sessions during lunchtime. The goal of the sessions is to start students thinking about science and encourage them to participate in this year’s PTA Science Fair on Thursday, April 27th. During the “Science and a Sandwich” sessions,…