Needed – Rainbow Run Photos!
If you have PHOTOS from the Rainbow Run you’d like to share with the Blythe Park yearbook staff, please contact or send them to Amy Wysocki at or text to 708-253-3772.
If you have PHOTOS from the Rainbow Run you’d like to share with the Blythe Park yearbook staff, please contact or send them to Amy Wysocki at or text to 708-253-3772.
The Scrips April deadline has been extended to Tuesday, April 12th. Place your order now! Check out the two flyers below on creative uses of Scrips this Spring and for Mother’s Day. What is Scrips Fundraiser? Scrip is just another way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks, and credit cards….
Bring out the scientist in your child by signing up for the Blythe Park Science Fair! Students will do their experiment and create their display board at home. The science fair will be held outside in the amphitheater and on the tennis court. In the event of inclement weather the event will move to Zoom and students…
FITNESS FRIDAY – Last week was Fitness Friday! As part of the PTA’s Bulldog Challenge program, the goal of Fitness Fridays is to expose the students to a variety of sports and fitness activities. All PE classes participated in a half hour of Lacrosse with our guest expert, Rich Frantozzi, the head coach of the Berwyn Bombers Park District…
Thank you to all of our Blythe Park families and staff members for participating in the Rainbow Run and family fun night. A fun time was had by all! We once again would like to thank ou sponsors for their support of our school: Athletico Blissful Owl Brennan Spa Burlington Realty Chew Chew Code Play…
Watch for your items to come home this week. Your Child will receive orders in their classroom if they attend Blythe. All non-Blythe Park orders will be contacted.