Cardio Kids and Fitness Friday this week!


Cardio Kids will be held this week on Wednesday and Friday at 7:45am. Please have your runners/walkers dressed appropriately for the activity and the weather.

The students will join Ms. Gorman and Mr. Bartelt in a run or walk around the Blythe Park campus. Four laps around the school equals one mile. Parents are welcome. Click on the following link for the flyer and permission slip.

Cardio Kids Fall 2016 Flyer


FITNESS FRIDAY – Fitness Fridays are part of the PTA’s Bulldog Challenge program. Once a month the students will have “Fitness Friday”. A fitness expert will visit Blythe Park during PE to present a sport/fitness activity or topic. The goal of Fitness Fridays is to expose the students to a variety of sports and fitness activities.

This Friday, all PE classes will participate in yoga with our guest expert, Stephanie Roldan from Blissful Owl.

FITNESS CHALLENGE – October Fitness Tracking Caldendars went home in student backpacks on Friday. Printable versions of the calendar can also be found on the PTA website or by clicking on the following attachment:
Oct 2016 Bulldog Challenge


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