Direct Donation is off to a great start. Donations are still being accepted.
The Direct Donation Campaign is off to a great start! We are hoping this program is a success so we can eliminate some of the smaller fundraisers from all of our busy lives. We are on our way! If you would like to make a donation, please follow one of the two ways outlined below.
The Direct Donation Campaign ensures all your money is going right back to the kids.
**100% of your donation is tax deductible
**100% of the funds go directly to the school.
How to Give:
There are two ways to contribute to the Direct Donation Campaign:
1. Make a one time gift online by clicking on the Cheddar Up button below
2. Write a one time check to Blythe Park PTA
The suggested donation amount is $100.
Attached below is more information about the Direct Donation Campaign.
If you have any questions, please contact any Blythe Park PTA Board member or send a note to