Family Fun Night: Snowball Dance

Join us “under the sea” for a family fun night of dancing, a DJ, and refreshments! This event is free and open to Blythe Park students & families (it is NOT a drop off event; an adult must accompany students).

Friday, February 7, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Riverside Village Hall, 27 Riverside Road

All attendees get a raffle ticket to win some of the decorations (Mini shark piƱata filled with candy (2), Shell purse, Jellyfish stuffy, Turtle stuffy). Get an extra raffle ticket if you bring a canned food donation (2 tickets/person max; bring as many canned food items as you’d like). Donations benefit the Riverside Township Food Pantry.

Please RSVP by filling out this form to give us an attendance estimate.

Just a few volunteer slots left! THANK YOU to everyone who is helping with this event!

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