Field Day – June 3nd, 2022 Volunteers are needed!
- The morning of Friday, June 3rd, will be dedicated to our annual Field Day. This year’s in-person theme is “Candy”. Each classroom will be assigned a candy name and will be asked to wear a specific colored shirt.
- The list of grade levels and corresponding candies and t-shirt colors are noted below.
- Kinder: Airheads- Pink Shirt
- 1st Direnzo: Twizzlers- Grey Shirt
- 1st Pinta: Twix – Blue Shirt
- 2nd Pollock: Swedish Fish – Red Shirt
- 2nd Kamego: Resses- Orange Shirt
- 3rd Bryan: KitKat- White Shirt
- 3rd Graf: Jolly Ranchers – Green Shirt
- 4th King A: Sour Patch Kid- Yellow Shirt
- 4th King B: Starburst – Tie-Dye Shirt
- 5th Lutz: Skittles- Purple Shirt
- Be sure to dress your child in the corresponding color shirt for the last day of school. (Shirts are NOT Provided). Masks are optional.
Lemonade to be provided. Feel free to bring water with you.