Got Creativity? Work on a Reflections entry over Thanksgiving break! Deadline is December 2nd.
“What is Your Story“
It’s PTA Reflections time! Each year the National PTA sponsors the Reflections Program. This program encourages children in grades K-12th Grade throughout the nation to explore their artistic talents.
We encourage you to unleash your child’s talents by encouraging participation in this wonderful program. To participate, your child needs to interpret this year’s theme “What is Your Story” to one of six art categories.
For creative inspiration, take a look at this YouTube video and the description of each category below: 2016 Reflections YouTube Video
Poetry, Prose, Drama, Short Stories, Song Lyrics, Fiction and Non-Fiction
Musical Composition
Scores of original composition, with or without words, accompanied with CD, not exceeding five minutes
Color or black and white prints or collage of photographic prints measuring up to 11×14 inches, including mat.
Visual Arts
Painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, needlework, computer art up to 20” x 24”
DVD, not to exceed five minutes
Film/Video Production
All aspects of the film must be done by the student on DVD not to exceed five minutes.
How does the program work? Your child creates an original work of art in one of the six categories listed above. Each submitted piece will be forwarded to our local District for judging. District winners will move on to the State level. Reflections Program awards culminate with a national winner in each of the six categories. Take a look at the National award-winning entries in the PTA Reflections Program gallery at
Get started with a fun activity with your child. With your child, write a list of words and draw pictures of as many things that you think of that relate to one or more of the prompts below. Remember there are no wrong answers. After five minutes, admire the list or pictures that you’ve created together and use this as inspiration for your Reflections submission.
- Imagine you are having a dinner with your favorite person of all time. What are all the things that you would want to share with this person about your life?
- Think about your first day of school. What did you tell your new classmates about yourself or what didn’t you tell them but wish they knew?
- Think about the most important day in your life. What does that day look like, sound like, smell like feel like?
All Blythe Park entrants will be awarded a certificate and Reflection ribbon. The student entry form is attached as well as a link to the rules for each category. If your child will be entering, please contact Michelle Backus at or Lisa Gaynor at for a copy of the detailed rules for their category of interest.
DEADLINE: All entries must be received in the school office by Friday, December 2nd.
We have a talented group of students at Blythe and we look forward to receiving some great creations. Contact with any questions.
Student Form: Student Entry Form Reflections 2016
Rules for each category: Category Rules, Reflections 2016