Halloween Schedule at Blythe Park – Tuesday, October 31st

Overview of Halloween at Blythe Park:

  • Morning – School routines in the morning will remain the same. With the exception of AM Early Learners and Kindergartners, students will NOT wear costumes during the morning hours. They are allowed to go home during the lunch hour to change. If students are not going home for lunch, parents may send the costume with their child in the morning so that he or she may change into it in the afternoon.
  • Costume Guidelines – Weapons associated with your child’s costume are not allowed at Blythe Park. Please reserve these accessories for your child’s fun-filled night of trick-or-treating. Students may wear masks during the parade, but will be asked to remove them during the Halloween play.
  • AM Early Learners and Kindergarten – AM Early Learners and Kindergarteners are encouraged to come back in the afternoon for Halloween festivities. **They must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver during this time.
  • Extended Lunch/Recess 11:25 am-1:00 pm – Students will have an extended lunch/recess period on Halloween. Students staying at school will change into costume from 12:40-1:00 pm. Students who go home for lunch will return to school at 1:00 pm. **Please note that the extended lunch schedule does not apply to Early Learners. Both AM and PM Early Learners will run it’s normal schedule.
  • Halloween Parade 1:05-1:30 pm – Parents are welcome to gather (weather permitting) in the amphitheater for the Halloween parade. *AM Early Leaners and Kindergarteners are welcome with parent or caregiver. 
  • Halloween Play 1:30-2:15 pm – A Halloween play, put on by our amazing Blythe Park parents, will follow the parade.  Thank you, Mrs. Smith, for organizing this event! *AM Early Leaners and Kindergarteners are welcome with parent or caregiver. 
  • Classroom Parties 2:15-2:55 pm– Classroom parties will follow the play. A healthy snack and fun activity will be provided to students during this time.

*NOTE: Due to the large number of students who will be going home for lunch on Halloween, parents/guardians need not sign their child out in the office. There will be a formal dismissal and staff will be outside to ensure students go home with the appropriate caregiver.  

Questions? Contact Ms. Gorman at gormanc@district96.org

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