Hot Lunch registration open for March, April and May until 3/18
Registration is open for Hot Lunch – Register your student for the remainder of the year (3 months). The Hot Lunch menu will include a slice of cheese pizza, seasonal fruit, a treat, and a drink.
If you have not registered your student by Wednesday, March 18th, they will not have the opportunity to register again for Hot Lunch until the next payment period in March.
Single lunch payments are not available. Also, no prorating, no make-up day, no refunds.
TO REGISTER – Please click on the following button, no matter your payment method (cash, check, credit).
If paying by cash or check (payable to Blythe Park PTA) please place payment in an envelope marked with your family name and “Hot Lunch” and bring to the school office. *NOTE – This program is only for children that have the option of staying at school for lunch.
2019-2020 Hot Lunch will be served on the following days –
Friday, March 20
Friday, April 24
Friday, May 22
Questions? Contact Katie Ford at