Blythe Park Directory going to print soon – Please update your information and check the boxes to be in the yearbook.

Follow the below instructions for our new and improved school directory! You will not use the old AtoZ address.

  1. Click on your organization’s URL below and click the Register/Login button.
  2. Click the “Create Account” button. EVEN IF YOU HAD A PREVIOUS ACCOUNT – your old account will link if you are using the same email address.
  3. Use your email address and select a password. (Login credentials did not transfer from the old platform.)
  4. Watch for an email that will ask you to verify your email address and use your newly-created login credentials to log back in.
  5. Once you have verified your email address, you need to finish the setup process. Complete the Family Information and the Directory Publish Preferences in “My Account”. Then you’re ready to go! Please add your address & phone number/s if not already in there.

*All future PTA volunteer sign-ups and events will go through A to Z. Payment options coming soon!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at Blythe Park PTA with the subject line reading A to Z.

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