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Box Tops due next Friday!
The class with the highest number of valid Box Tops submitted through next Friday (February 22nd) will win a PIZZA PARTY for their class! Box Tops can be turned in to the office at any time either in a baggie/envelope with the student’s name/grade (Kindergarten and Early Learners please identify whether it’s the AM or PM class)…
Box Tops Contest – Help your child’s class win a popsicle party!
The class with the highest number of valid Box Tops submitted through Thursday, May 24th will win a Popsicle Party for their class! Box Tops can be turned in to the office at any time either in a baggie/envelope with the students name/grade OR on collection sheets: Box Tops – Collection Sheet Be sure the Box Tops submitted are not…
Kids Yoga – Session 2 registration is open!
Sign-up for Kids Yoga – Session 2! Classes start on Wednesday, November 7th. REMINDER: Session 1 classes end next week (no class on Oct. 31st). Kids Yoga Stephanie Roldan from Blissful Owl will instruct Kids Yoga classes every Wednesday from 3:00-3:45pm in the Blythe Park Gym for boys and girls in Kindergarten – 5th Grade. Session…
White lights needed for the Snowball Dance.
The Snowball Dance committee is looking for white string lights to make the Blythe Park gym magical for this year’s dance! So, as you put away your holiday decorations, please consider donating some of your white string lights. Donations can be dropped off at the Blythe Park school office. *SAVE THE DATE – Blythe Park…
Raging Waves Fitness Logs are due this Friday, April 6th
Turn in your completed Raging Waves Fitness Log by this Friday, April 6th. Each student completing the program requirements between February 12th through April 6th will receive a FREE full day admission pass to Raging Waves, located in Yorkville. STUDENTS: Keep track of your exercise by coloring one item on the fitness log for every 30 minutes you exercise. Complete 25 hours of…
PTA Meeting Tuesday at 7:00pm
The nextt PTA meeting will be this Tuesday, Sept 24 at 7:00pm in the school library AGENDA – General Membership – Sept 2019 Meeting Minutes- August 2019 Treasurer’s Report- Sept 2019 Questions? Contact Katie Ford at