Register your student for the Science Fair!

Bring out the scientist in your child and be a part of the PTA Science Fair on Thursday, April 26th at 5:30pm (prior to Spring Open House).

REGISTER your student for the Science Fair by clicking on the following button –

Sign Up!

Need to Know Details –

  • Students will conduct their own science experiments and create their display board at home.
  • Students may work individually or in a group of no more than two students.
  • Each student’s display will be setup on a card table in the gym.
  • There will be no judging.
  • Participation is optional.
  • Each student will receive a participation award.

Display Boards Available –
Half-size display boards will be available for purchase in the office from the PTA for $2.

Need help getting started with your Science Fair project?
Check out the following resources:

Flyer  – “What Type of Science Project Should You Do?

Website Resources –

  • If you need help finding a topic/project that would be of interest to your student, click on the following link: “Topic Selection Wizard. After answering a series of questions about everyday interests and activities, project ideas will be suggested.
  • – Science fair project ideas
  • – Science fair project guidance

Library Resources –
Riverside Public Library has a great collection of science experiment books by the following authors!

  • Janice VanCleave, author
  • Bill Nye, author

Questions? Contact Katie Ford at

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