Show off your talent in the Blythe Park talent show. Sign-up deadline is February 15th.

talent-showThis year’s talent show will held on Thursday, February 25th at 7pm with the mandatory dress rehearsal on Wednesday, February 24th from 3:00pm-5:00pm.

The requirements for participating in the show are the following:

  • All acts are prepared and rehearsed by the child or group on their own time
  • All acts can be no longer than two minutes in length
  • Music needs to be approved by Mrs. Smith. If possible, please supply a copy of the music for the show.
  • Participants are responsible for supplying any props and costumes needed for their performance.

The children will be asked to make a presentation to the talent show committee the week of February 15th during lunch.  Groups will be notified of their presentation date the week prior.  The presentation to the talent show committee needs to be your child’s complete act including music selection, costumes and props.

Each talent show participant must register using the on-line sign-up or the form attached below.   To sign-up on line, go to the Blythe Park PTA website at www.blytheparkpta.organd click on the talent show button. The registration deadline is Monday, February 15th.

Any questions, contact Mary Smith 708-447-7436



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