Teacher Appreciation Week is next week! Volunteers needed to help make it a super special week.
Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Blythe Park PTA will be “Taking Our Hats Off to Our Staff” with a really fun week of activities for the teachers and staff and is looking for some volunteers to help make the week super special.
The week will feature a special event each day. Check out the flyer below.
We are looking for food donations for Tuesday’s breakfast, Thursday’s Dip Day and Friday’s Luncheon as well as volunteers to help with set-up, clean-up and babysitting on Friday. Click on the SignUp Genius button below to sign-up.
Also, don’t forget to RSVP for the Luncheon (taking place on May 6th) by Friday, April 29th. Please return your RSVP in the blue envelope it came home in last week. If your not planning on donating a food item, a monetary donation would be greatly appreciated, $5 is suggested.
Any questions, please feel free to e-mail Gretchen Luper @ glupfer@comcast.net.