Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week donations needed by Wednesday.

Blythe Park PTA is preparing to celebrate our teachers and staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week!

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week will take place Monday, May 7th – Friday, May 11th. There will be several opportunities for parents and students from Early Learners–5th Grade to be involved (a volunteer signup will be posted closer to the event).

This year’s theme is “How sweet it is to be taught by you!“. The week will feature special events and sweet treats for all teachers and staff.

DONATIONS – If you would like to make a monetary donation toward the week’s activities, click on the following Cheddar Up button or send cash/check to the school office with “ATTN: PTA/Karen Magee” on the envelope by Wednesday, March 21st. (Please make checks payable to Blythe Park PTA.)

Any questions, please contact Karen Magee at 708-415-3979

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