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Gail Goletz Aces Walk on Friday, May 19th – Volunteers Needed
Volunteers needed for the Gail Goletz ACES Walk on Friday, May 19th. Please click on the following button to volunteer: The Gail Goletz ACES Walk (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) is the end of the year celebration for the Bulldog Challenge Fitness Program. Blythe Park students, 1st-5th grade, will walk one mile around the Blythe Park…
PTA Meeting – Tomorrow November 30th, 7 pm
We will be conducting the PTA meeting on 11/30/201 at 7 PM.
Volunteers Needed – Library Shelving and Garden Club
Library volunteers needed the next two weeks to help shelve books. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to read to the students throughout the year! Volunteers are still needed the next two weeks to help shelve books on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:20am. If interested, please come in and help out as much as you can! Questions,…
The Talent Show is this Thursday at 7pm!
See our talented Blythe Park students perform at this year’s PTA Talent Show on Thursday, February 28th at 7pm. *Dress Rehearsal is this Wednesday, February 27th after school from 3:00-4:30pm for participants. Questions? Contact Mary Smith 708-447-7436
Meet and Greet Wednesday, August 24th from 2-3pm
You’re invited to the Meet and Greet to be held at Blythe Park School Wednesday, August 24th from 2:00-3:00pm. This is a time for students to meet their new teacher, drop off supplies and visit the classroom. Take this opportunity to reconnect with Blythe Park families on their happenings of the summer months and celebrate…
April Library Reader/Helper times still available for Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade
April volunteer spots are available to help Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade students during their library time. Volunteers for Kindergarten will have the opportunity to read to the students. Volunteers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade will help students find books for check out and then have the opportunity to read to the students. Please…