This Wednesday is “Science and a Sandwich” Sign-up now!


To get everyone thinking about Science,  Blythe Park PTA will be holding five “Science and a Sandwich Sessions” during lunch.  On each of the Wednesdays listed below,  Mrs. Gaynor and Mrs. Ford will be conducting a different science experiment with the kids.   The kids will efficiently eat their lunch as the science experiment is explained.  After eating, the science experiment will be conducted.  The goal of the “Science and a Sandwich Sessions”  is to get everyone thinking about science and encourage them to participate in this year’s Science Fair being held in  late April.   Each of the lunch science experiment sessions has a capacity of 16 students. The program is open to 1st -5th graders and kindergarteners accompanied with a parent.   Please sign-up by clicking on the button below.

Science and a Sandwich Dates:

  • Wednesday, March 9th
  • Wednesday, March 23rd
  • Wednesday, April 6th


Sign Up Now!

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