Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year!


Blythe Park PTA welcomes new and returning students and their families to the 2016-2017 school year. We hope you had a very enjoyable summer and are ready to for a great year of learning.

Throughout the year, Blythe Park PTA brings a variety of programming to the children and families of Blythe Park School in the areas of academic enrichment and family fun. We encourage you to get involved throughout the year when ever you can.

The Blythe Park PTA Executive Board welcomes you and your family. Please contact any of us with questions.

President – Meaghan Mathews
Co-First Vice Presidents – Laura Rodriguez and Amy Wysocki
2nd Vice Presidents – Jennifer Sloger
3rd Vice Presidents – Julie Laube
Secretary – Anglea Staron
Treasurer – Katie Ford
Parliamentarian – Maria D’Amico

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