Donate to RBHS Survival Kits by Tuesday.

The Riverside-Brookfield High School PTO is seeking donations to build Basic Survival Kits to help the homeless.
Help them reach their goal of 150 Survival Kits!
Donations will be collected until this Tuesday (January 15th).
Donations items:
- New adult-sized gloves, hats, socks, hand/foot warmers
- Soap, toothpaste/toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner
- Hand lotion, lip balm
- Small bottles of water
- Non-perishable food items: fruit/granola bars, hard candy, nuts, fruit cups
- Tax-deductible monetary donations can be made via PayPal by clicking on the following link – “Donate to RBHS PTO” Note: This link can also be found at
Donation items can be dropped off at the following locations:
- Blythe Park
- Riverside-Brookfield High School, local grade and middle schools
- Riverside Library
- Brookfield Library
- North Riverside Commons
For more information and to view the flyer, click on the following link: MLK Day of Service Flyer 2019
Questions? Contact Christine Kawiecki at