Rainbow Run T-Shirts and Schedule of Events
Rainbow Run shirts will be coming home next Thursday, Sept 19 Each family’s shirts will be bundled together and sent home with their eldest child at Blythe.
Pizza: (CASH ONLY) Pizza, lemonade, and bottled water will be for sale – $3.00 for 1 slice of pizza and a glass of lemonade, $1.00 for bottled water from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Ice Cream Social: (FREE) Enjoy ice cream and a variety of toppings from 6:30 – 7:30 pm courtesy of the PTA
5:00 – 7:30 pm – a DJ will be entertaining! Spirit Wear will be for sale!
5:00 – 7:00 pm – PIZZA, lemonade, and water will be for sale.*CASH ONLY
5:30 – 6:15 pm – RAINBOW RUN!!
6:30 – 7:30 pm – Ice Cream Social: Enjoy ice cream and a variety of toppings.*FREE
Rainbow Run –
Families will run loops around the school, you may stop to be sprayed with liquid colors (food coloring and water) as often as you are comfortable. Once your family decides it has done enough running, please head to the tables between the tennis courts and the playground for packets of dry colors (cornstarch and food coloring) that may be tossed on oneself or each other. Families are given 1 packet per paid registration.
*NOTE: The color washes out of most materials but just in case, wear items you aren’t worried about staining so you can enjoy the event to it’s fullest! Depending on how colorful you get, the color may stain your skin, hair, and clothes until finally coming out after a few washes. If you have lighter colored hair you may want to cover up with a hat!
A huge thank you to our sponsors: Sean O’Brien Law, Twilight Home Services, Riverside Bank, Burlington Realty, Riverside Foods, Athletico, Blissful Owl, Paramount Events, Eden, Solve my PC, Max Aquatic, Code Play Learn, Chew Chew Restaurant, Reveal, Solid+ Pattern and Brennan Spa!
*NOTE: To preserve the color on your t-shirt AFTER the Run, you must treat it with vinegar before washing. For a list of full instructions click on the following link – How to Preserve the Color in Your Rainbow Run T-Shirt
If that doesn’t work… we’ll be hosting a Tie Dye event the following week.
We are looking forward to a fabulous fun-filled night!
Questions? Contact Mrs. King at kingr@district96.org or Katie Ford at fordfamily4@rocketmail.com