Volunteers Needed – Library Shelving and Garden Club
Library volunteers needed to help shelve and organize books.
Volunteers are needed to help shelve and organize library books on the following days –
- Wednesday, May 30th from 8:30-10:30am
- Thursday, May 31st from 8:30-10:30am
If interested, please signup and help out as much as you can between 8:30-10:30am!
THANK YOU to all the parents who volunteered to read to the students throughout the year!
Questions? Contact Maria D’Amico at vmariadg@gmail.com or Patty Prodanich at prodanichp@district96.org
The Blythe Park Garden Club needs your help this summer!
If you’d like to help maintain the gardens at Blythe Park, please sign up to water and weed the Blythe Park Prairie and Butterfly Gardens for a week over the summer.
TO VOLUNTEER – There will be a signup table at Field Day (on June 7th) OR send an email to Mrs. Bryan at bryanh@district96.org