There’s still time to place your order for Art To Remember

imagePaper orders will be sent this Wednesday, December 14th and again on Friday, January 13th. Online ordering is open until January 13, 2017. All late orders (paper and online) will close on January 13th, 2017 and will be shipped to Blythe Park by mid-February.

If you are placing an order and hoping for Christmas delivery please order online and have product shipped to your address of choice; the sooner you do this the better chance you have of receiving your order for gift giving. *Please remember that late orders are not guaranteed for holiday delivery. Also, you may continue to order even if you’ve already placed an order.

To order online:
Follow the instructions on your child’s personalized order form by logging in to the Art to Remember website at and entering their personal order code. Info can be found on the back of your order form on right hand side. If you no longer have your order form, you can contact Julie Laube for your code.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or email Julie Laube @ 447-8722 or

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