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Reminder No School this Friday Due to Institute Day
Reminder: Friday, October 11th is a non-attendance day for students due to a teacher institute day.
Box Tops Contest – Help your child’s class win a pizza party!
The class with the highest number of valid Box Tops will win a Pizza Party for their class! Box Tops can be turned in to the office at any time either in a baggie/envelope with the student’s name/grade OR on collection sheets: Box Tops Collection Sheet Be sure the Box Tops submitted are not expired (expired Box Tops…
Hot Lunch!! Purchase now!
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Facility Planning Updates for Blythe Park School
You are invited to come hear about renovation plans for Blythe Park’s school building on January 21st at 6:30 pm in the school library. If you would like to learn more about the facility plans and construction plans, please consider joining us for this important meeting. A preview of plans is available: 2019 Addition and Renovation Plans…
Parks & Rec After School Programs
The Riverside Parks & Rec Department will once again offer After School Programs at Blythe Park. Classes will take place directly after school dismissal from 3-4pm. The first session begins the week of September 10th, so sign up soon! Registration deadline is 5 days prior to the class start date. To view the class schedules OR register…