Countdown to Summer!

We’re in the home stretch! Let’s have some extra fun the last two weeks of the school year.

Come to school dressed to celebrate the following theme days –

  • Tuesday, June 4 – Write a welcome letter to a student coming into your grade next year.
  • Wednesday, June 5 – “Earth Dome Day” – Blend in with our Earth. Wear a combination of blue, green, gray, and white.
  • Thursday, June 6 – “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” – Wear a baseball jersey or your favorite baseball gear.
  • Friday, June 7 – “A Rainbow of Color” – Wear your t-shirt color for Field Day! *NOTE: Notification of team colors will be sent in a separate email.
  • Monday, June 10 – “Proud to be a Bulldog – Wear your Blythe Park spirit wear!

Click the link to view the Countdown Flyer – Blythe Park’s Countdown to Summer Flyer 2019

Questions? Contact Ms. Gorman at

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