Consider giving to Blythe Park PTA’s Direct Donation Campaign
Blythe Park PTA’s Direct Donation Campaign is a year long campaign. With all the donations thus far, we have successful eliminated some of the the smaller fundraiser from all of our busy lives. As the year comes to the end consider making a donation.
The Direct Donation Campaign ensures all your money is going right back to the kids.
**100% of your donation is tax deductible
** 100% of the funds go directly to the school.
How to Give:
There are two ways to contribute to the Direct Donation Campaign:
1. Make a one time gift online by clicking on the Cheddar Up button below
2. Write a one time check to Blythe Park PTA
The suggested donation amount is $100.
Attached below is more information about the Direct Donation Campaign.
If you have any questions, please contact any Blythe Park PTA Board member or send a note to