Donate your gently used shoes by FRIDAY.

The Blythe Park Student Council is having a Shoe Drive for “Share Your Soles“.

Share Your Soles is a non-profit organization that provides gently worn shoes to those in greatest need around the world. More information can be found at

Bring your gently used or new shoes to school by this Friday, March 23rd. *There will be a shoe drop box in front of each classroom and the office.

Share Your Soles accepts all types of footwear including gym shoes, sandals, boots and shoes of all sizes (men’s, women’s and children’s). Your gently worn or brand-new shoes will go to people in need who may never have owned a pair of shoes.

It’s important your donated shoes are in good condition to respect the dignity of those receiving them. Shoes older than five years decompose, even if they were never worn. So please: be respectful with your donations, understand that the goal is to provide good, clean shoes to those in need. For example, tennis shoes should include laces and not have holes. Share Your Soles will discard any old, overly worn shoes! Shoe Drive Flyer 2018

Questions? Contact Mrs. King at

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